Jedan od najvažnijih dijelova tradicionalnog božićnog slavlja je večera na Badnji dan. U Ukrajini se naziva Sviatyi Vechir. Tom prilikom, cijela se obitelj okupi oko stola kasno navečer. Prema tradiciji, ovaj stol ukrašavaju svijeće i slamke. Treba se poslužiti dvanaest jela. Točan broj 12 možda je odabran u čast dvanaest apostola ili mjeseci u godini.
Glavno jelo na stolu je kutija, napravljena od kuhanog pšenice, meda, oraha, suhe grožđice i sl. Ovo je starodrevno jelo koje se na ovom području kuhalo dugo prije kršćanstva. Trebao je počastiti rođenje novog sunca, koje je donijelo novo proljeće i novu žetvu. Sastojci jela mogu se mijenjati od regije do regije. Kutija se može poslužiti topla ili hladna. Jedini imperativ je da tog večera prva žlica hrane treba biti žlica kutije.
Nakon toga slijedi tradicionalno piće nazvano uzvar, napravljeno od kuhanog sušenog voća.
Preostalih jedanaest jela su opcionalna, ali uglavnom su bez mesa i mlijeka. U zapadnim krajevima Ukrajine češća su jela od graha, gljiva i kupusa. Dok u centralnim i južnim regijama više koriste pecivo i krumpir. Može se poslužiti bezmesni boršč, pržena ili pečena riba, pečeno povrće, golubci (sarma s krumpirom) i sl.
tekst se nastavlja nakon ove reklame
Još jedna je zanimljivost vezana uz ovu večeru. Stol se servira za cijelu obitelj plus jedno rezervno mjesto. To mjesto je namijenjeno precima da dođu i pridruže se obitelji ovog posebnog večera.
Ukrainian Christmas: Sviatvechir, Christmas Eve dinner
One of the most important parts of traditional Christmas celebration is dinner on Christmas Eve. In Ukraine, it is called Sviatyi Vechir, meaning Holy Evening. On this occasion, all the family gathers together at the table late in the evening. According to tradition, this table is decorated with candles and straws. Twelve dishes are supposed to be served. The exact number 12 may have been chosen to honour the twelve apostoles, or the months of the year.
The central dish on the table is kutia, made of boiled wheat, honey, nuts, raisins, etc. This is an ancient dish which was cooked in this territory long before Christianity. It was meant to honour the birth of a new sun, which brought a new spring and a new harvest. The ingredients of the dish may change from region to region. Kutia may be served cold or hot. The only imperative is that this evening the first spoon of food one has should be a spoonful of kutia.
This is followed by a traditional beverage called uzvar made out of boiled dry fruit.
The other eleven dishes are optional, but usually they are meatless and milkless. In the western regions of Ukraine, dishes of beans and peas, mushrooms and cabbage are more common. While in central and southern regions, they use more pastry and potatoes. One can serve meatless borsch, fried or baked fish, baked vegetables, cabbage rolls, etc.
There is one more peculiar thing about this dinner. The table is served for all the family plus one spare place. This place is meant for ancestors to come and join the family on this particular evening.