Izuzetno ukusan i hranjiv zalogaj od slane ribe. Recept, preuzet iz pruske i švedske kuhinje, gdje se jelo posluživalo pečeno, postao je klasik židovske kuhinje. Nježna haringa, bogata proteinima, omega 3 i drugim korisnim tvarima, kombinira se s jajima, lukom i maslacem. Uživajmo u okusima Odese!
- Slana haringa bez kostiju 500 g
- Pileća jaja 3 kom
- Maslac 50 g
- Bijeli luk 40 g
- Tamni kruh
- Pileća jaja skuhajte do kraja i ohladite. Maslac zagrijte na sobnu temperaturu. Luk očistite.
- Sve sastojke izmiksajte zajedno u blenderu. Po želji, sve sastojke možete nasjeckati nožem za manje homogenu teksturu.
- Poslužite na tamnom kruhu kao zalogaj, dio doručka itd.
Dobar tek! Smaćnogo!
Forshmak: Jewish Classic of Sunny Odesa
An incredibly delicious and nutritious appetizer made from salted fish. The recipe, borrowed from Prussian and Swedish cuisine where the dish was served baked, has become a classic of Jewish cuisine. Tender herring, rich in protein, omega 3, and other beneficial substances, is combined with eggs, onions, and butter. Let’s savor Odesa!
- Salted herring without bones 500 g
- Chicken eggs 3 pcs
- Butter 50 g
- White onion 40 g
- Dark bread
- Boil the chicken eggs until cooked and cool. Warm the butter to room temperature. Peel the onion.
- Blend all the ingredients together in a blender. If desired, you can chop all the ingredients with a knife to achieve a less homogeneous texture.
- Serve on dark bread as an appetizer, part of breakfast, etc.
Enjoy! Smachnogo!
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