Nedavno se na internetu pojavila lavina poruka da polovica suvremenog čovječanstva potječe s teritorija Ukrajine. Radilo se o podrijetlu značajnog dijela ljudi od predstavnika jamske kulture, koja se, između ostalog, nalazila i na teritoriju današnje Ukrajine. Jamska kultura nastala je u doba eneolitika. A provokativni naslovi stvoreni su kako bi privukli pozornost.
Međutim, obraćanje u naslovu ovog članka također je provokativno. Ali ne radi se o davnim vremenima, povijesti ili znanstvenicima. Predlažemo vam da odgovorite na 5 jednostavnih pitanja. U slučaju da je vaš odgovor “ne” na većinu njih, čestitamo. Možete biti Ukrajinac ili Ukrajinka! Pažnja: sjeverni susjed Ukrajine će vas zbog toga smatrati “rusofobom”. Budite ponosni na to!
- Jedna od susjednih zemalja je veća, bogatija i poznatija u svijetu od vaše. Znači li to da vaš identitet, način života i životni ciljevi trebaju biti u svemu podređeni susjedu?
- Govorite nekoliko jezika, uključujući jezik susjedne zemlje. Govornika vašeg jezika je nekoliko puta manje nego u susjeda. Trebate li biti obvezni braniti i njegovati jezik susjeda, a ne svoj?
- Povijest vašeg odnosa sa susjednom državom je duga i bolna. Vaše viđenje i procjena događaja se ne podudaraju. Je li istinita samo verzija povijesti jačeg susjeda?
- Vaša zemlja prolazi kroz teška vremena. Je li ovo najbolje vrijeme za vašeg susjeda da se miješa u vaše poslove, oduzima vaše teritorije, napada vaše gradove?
- Smatrate li da zemlja agresor ne bi trebala snositi odgovornost za svoje postupke jer ima veliki utjecaj, važne resurse, značajan doprinos globalnoj kulturi itd.?
Očito, stvarni svijet je često nepravedan. Međutim, to nije razlog za odricanje od vrijednosti. Zaboraviti razliku između dobra i zla. Prilagođavati se i puzati. Molimo vas, podržite Ukrajinu.
Are you Ukrainian? Take a quick test. Be brave!
Recently, a flood of messages appeared on the internet stating that half of modern humanity originates from the territory of Ukraine. It was about the origin of a significant portion of people from representatives of the Yamna culture, which, among other lands, was located on the territory of modern Ukraine. The Yamna culture arose during the Eneolithic period. And the provocative headlines were created to attract attention.
However, the address in the title of this article is also provocative. But it’s not about ancient times, history, or scientists. We suggest you answer 5 simple questions. In case your answer is “no” to most of them, congratulations. You may be Ukrainian! Attention: Ukraine’s northern neighbor will still consider you a “Russophobe” for this. Be proud of it!
- One of the neighboring countries is bigger, richer, and more famous in the world than yours. Does this mean that your identity, way of life, and life goals should be completely subordinate to the neighbor?
- You speak several languages, including the language of the neighboring country. There are several times fewer speakers of your language than in the neighbor’s country. Should you be obliged to protect and cherish the neighbor’s language, not your own?
- The history of your relations with the neighboring state is long and painful. Your vision and assessment of events do not coincide. Is only the stronger neighbor’s version of history true?
- Your country is going through difficult times. Is this the best time for your neighbor to interfere in your affairs, take away your territories, attack your cities?
- Do you believe that the aggressor country should not be held responsible for its actions because it has a great influence, important resources, a significant contribution to global culture, etc.?
Obviously, the real world is often unfair. However, this is not a reason to abandon values. To forget the difference between good and evil. To adapt and grovel. Please support Ukraine.
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