Pržene krumpirove palačinke vrlo su popularne u mnogim zemljama. U Ukrajini obično zovemo ovo jelo deruni. Vrući i hladni, posluženi sa kiselim vrhnjem, deruni su svakodnevna i svečana specijalnost, hranjivi i utješni.
- Krumpir 0,5 kg
- Jedno jaje
- Pšenično brašno 3-5 žlica
- Jedna bijela glavica luka
- Suncokretovo ulje
- Kiselo vrhnje
- Sol, papar, češnjak
Prvo, trebate naribati očišćeni i oguljeni krumpir i ocijediti višak tekućine. Zatim dodajte jaje, sitno naribani luk, sol i papar, zgnječeni češnjak. Dodajte brašno dok tijesto ne postane prilično gusto. Pržite na tavi s obje strane dok ne porumene. Poslužite s kiselim vrhnjem ili majonezom.
Svečani twist
tekst se nastavlja nakon ove reklame
ZMAJ MARKETING: [email protected]
Možete popržiti neke gljive sa solju, paprom i kiselim vrhnjem dok ne omekšaju. Zatim stavite sloj deruna u lim za pečenje, a na vrh gljive. Pospite ribanim sirom po želji i pecite 15-20 minuta u pećnici na 180C.
Dobar tek! Smačnogo!
Deruny: for the lovers of potato
Fried potato pancakes are very popular in many countries. In Ukraine, we usually call this dish deruny. Hot and cold, served with sour cream, deruny are everyday and festive specialty, nutriciuos, and comforting.
- Potatoes 0.5 kg
- One egg
- Wheat flour 3–5 tablespoons
- One white onion
- Sunflower oil
- Sour cream
- Salt, pepper, garlic
First, you need to grate the clean and peeled potatoes and drain the excess liquid. Then add an egg, a finely grated onion, salt and pepper, crushed garlic to the mix. Add flour till the batter becomes rather dense. Shallow fry on a pan on both sides until golden brown. Serve with sour cream or mayonnaise.
A festive twist
You can fry some mushrooms with salt, pepper and sour cream until tender. Then put a layer of deruny into the baking pan, and mushrooms on top of them. Sprinkle with grated cheese to your liking and bake for 15–20 minutes in the oven at 180C.
Dobar tek! Smačnogo! Enjoy!
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