Slasno pileće jelo s aromatičnim biljem i hrskavom koricom! Produžimo svečano raspoloženje i izvan blagdanskog razdoblja. Ovo poznato jelo vrlo je popularno u istočnoj Europi, kao i u engleskom govornom području. Budući da nosi ime ukrajinske prijestolnice, izgovorite “smachnogo!” (“dobar tek!”) prilikom posluživanja, molim.
- Pileće prsa mljeveno, 500 g
- Maslac, 120 g
- Jaja, 2 kom
- Dill po ukusu
- Sol, papar
- Pšenično brašno i krušne mrvice
- Priprema nadjeva: Mljeveno pileće meso začinite solju i paprom, možete dodati malo masti/špeka da bude sočnije.
- Formiranje kotleta: Podijelite maslac na 6 dijelova i svaki dio prelijte sitno sjeckanim koprom. Formirajte kotlete stavljajući jedan komad zelenog maslaca unutra.
- Dvostruko paniranje: Kotlete uvaljajte u brašno, zatim ih umočite u razmućena jaja, a potom uvaljajte u krušne mrvice. Ponovite postupak.
- Pečenje: Pecite u prethodno zagrijanoj pećnici 20-30 minuta na 180°C.
Odlično se slaže s pire krumpirom.
tekst se nastavlja nakon ove reklame
ZMAJ MARKETING: [email protected]
Dobar tek!
Chicken cutlet a la Kyiv
A delicious chicken dish with herby aroma and crunchy crust! Let us prolong the festive mood well into the no-holiday season. This famous dish is very popular in eastern Europe, as well as in English speaking world. Since it has a name of Ukraine’s capital in it — say “smachnogo!”, when you serve it, please.
- Chicken breast minced, 500 g
- Butter, 120 g
- Eggs, 2 p
- Dill to taste
- Salt, pepper
Wheat flour and bread crumbs
- Season the minced meat with salt and pepper, you can add some fat/ špek to make it juicier.
- Divide your butter stick into 6 pieces and cover them with nicely chopped dill. Form cutlets putting one piece of green butter inside.
- Then cover the cutlet with flour with the following double breading: put the cutlet into whisked eggs, then cover with bread crumbs, repeat.
- Cook in a preheated oven for 20–30 minutes at 180 C.
Tastes perfect with mashed potatoes.
Dobar tek!