Ovo je vrlo popularna zimska salata u Ukrajini. Vinegret, od francuskog “vinaegrette”, ima svjež i hrskav okus zbog kiselog kupusa i kiselih krastavaca, dok krumpir i grah čine da bude hranjiv. Savršen za posluživanje s mesom, kao i kao zasebno vegetarijansko jelo.
- Cikla 2-5 kom
- Krumpir 4-5 kom
- Mrkva 1-2 kom
- Zeleni grah 1 konzerva
- Kiseli kupus 200 g
- Kiseli krastavci do 10 kom
- Luk (po želji)
- Suncokretovo ulje 4-5 žlica
- Sol
- Papar
Prvo prokuhajte povrće dok ne omekša. Preporučuje se kuhati ih cijele, bez guljenja ili rezanja. Na taj način bolje će zadržati okus. Također ih možete peći u pećnici. U velikoj zdjeli pomiješajte nasjeckane krastavce i luk, kockice krumpira, cikle i mrkve. Dodajte jednu konzervu ocijeđenog zelenog graha, kiseli kupus, ulje, sol i papar po ukusu. Salata je spremna za posluživanje. Najbolje se slaže s tamnim pšeničnim ili raženim kruhom s malo sala (špeka na ukrajinskom).
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Vinegret: winter-style vegetable salad
This is a very popular winter salad in Ukraine. Vinegret, from French “vinaegrette”, tastes fresh and crunchy due to sauerkraut and pickles, while potatoes and beans make it nourishing. Perfect to be served with meat, as well as a separate vegetarian dish.
- Beet roots 2-5 p
- Potatoes 4-5 p
- Carrots 1-2 p
- Green beans 1 can
- Sauerkraut 200 g
- Pickled cucumbers up to 10 p
- Onion (optional)
- Sunflower oil 4–5 tablespoons
- Salt
- Pepper
First, boil the vegetables until tender. It is recommended to boil them as they are, no peeling or dicing. That way, they taste better. You can also bake them in the oven.
In a big bowl, mix the chopped pickles and onion, diced potato, beet root and carrots. Add a can of drained green beans, sauerkraut, oil, salt and pepper to taste. The salad is ready to be served. Tastes the best with dark wheat or rye bread with a bit of salo (špek in Ukrainian).
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